Best Rain Quotes:

1. "Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.” – John Updike

2. “Every time it rains, the soil counts every drop to know exactly how many times to thank God!” – Mehmet Murat İldan

3. “Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.” – Langston Hughes

4. “Celebrate the rain; it only means that the sun shall shine bigger and brighter than ever.” – Anonymous

5. “And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.” – Gilbert K. Chesterton

6. “Give thanks for the rain in your life which waters the flowers of your soul.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

7. “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene

8. “I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying.” – Charles Chaplin

9. “Rain is not only drops of water. It’s the love of the sky for the earth. They never meet each other but send love this way.” – Anonymous

10. “Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” – Vladimir Nabokov

11. “Never lose hope. The darkest clouds precede the loveliest rain!” – Avijeet Das

Famous Quotes About the Rain:

12. “I like it when it rains hard. It sounds like white noise everywhere, which is like silence but not empty.” – Mark Haddon

13. “Into each life some rain must fall, some days must be dark and dreary.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

14. “I have always considered the rain to be healing—a blanket—the comfort of a friend.” – Douglas Coupland

15. “The rain hit the windows like rice; the fire roared hollowly; the autumn afternoon discoloured into darkness.” – Elizabeth Taylor

16. “Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.” – Roger Miller

17. “The rain began again. It fell heavily, easily, with no meaning or intention but the fulfillment of its own nature, which was to fall and fall.” – Helen Garner

18. “A sudden rain: reminding me once again that I’m not in control.” – Marty Rubin

19. “The rain falls gently down, and slowly fills my cup. This never would have happened, If raindrops all fell up.” – Tom Batiuk

20. “Overhead the rain still pounded, with a remote sound, as if it was somebody else’s rain.” – Raymond Chandler

21. “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” – Dolly Parton

22. “The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

23. “When living above the clouds, how can you live the beauty of walking under the rain!” – Mehmet Murat İldan

24. “The sky still appeared unable to make up its mind whether it wanted to rain or not.” – J.K. Rowling

25. “Why is it that showers and even storms seem to come by chance, so that many people think it quite natural to pray for rain or fine weather, though they would consider it ridiculous to ask for an eclipse by prayer?” – Henri Poincaré

Quotes That Will Inspire You to Dance in the Rain:

26. “Learn to dance in the storm so when life hands you a stormy weather, you just glide through it.” – Ikechukwu Izuakor

27. “Look forward to when the storm is over. Stay close to God. Find a way to dance in the rain.” – Kyle Jessen

28. “The person who dances with you in the rain will most likely walk with you in the storm.” – Anonymous

29. “Life is just learning to dance in the rain—enjoy every drop and enjoy every pain.” – Mary Rose

30. “Everything is more beautiful in the rain. Don’t ask me why. Because I love to dance in the rain.” – Anonymous

31. “Life is all about dancing in the rain and creating your own rainbow.” – Theras Primus

32. “Dance in the rain, follow the path of lovely lanes, you are what you always wanted to be, so chill out, dear friend!” – Santosh Kalwar

33. “If you can dance like raindrops, there will always be sunshine.” – Curtis Tyrone Jones

34. “Weather is a great metaphor for life. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and there’s nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella or choose to dance in the rain.” – Terri Guillemets

35. “Individuals who have learned to endure and persevere through the storms of hardships are those who can dance in the rain during a storm.” – Ellen J. Barrier

Quotes to Better Appreciate the Blessings That Come With the Rain:

36. “A single gentle rain makes the grass many shades greener.” – Henry David Thoreau

37. “Rain has always given me inexplicable joy.” – Nikos Kazantzakis

38. “When the rain comes expect a blessing to follow!” – Positively Sherry

39. “Because rain will wash away everything if you let it.” – Sarah Kay

40. “All was silent as before, all silent save the dripping rain.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Short Rain Quotes:

41. “If you think it’s going to rain, it will.” – Clint Eastwood

42. “After the rain cometh the fair weather.” – Aesop

43. “Rain showers my spirit and waters my soul.” – Emily Logan Decens

44. “The sound of the rain needs no translation.” – Alan Watts

45. “An optimist sees rainbows when there is rain.” – Debasish Mridha

46. “One can find so many pains when the rain is falling.” – John Steinbeck

47. “Nature looks more beautiful in the rain.” – Melissa Harrison

48. “Don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines.” – Satchel Paige

49. “Rain has the power to hypnotize.” – Haruki Murakami

50. “Every storm runs out of rain.” – Maya Angelou

51. “Those who hate rain hate life.” – Dejan Stojanovic

52. “The nicest thing about the rain is that it always stops. Eventually.” – Eeyore

53. “I am like the rain: I go where I’m needed.” – Alejandro Jodorowsky

54. “I love the smell of rain and growing things.” – Serina Hernandez

55. “Rain is as romantic as roses, and as easily overdone.” – Cynthia Barnett

Great Quotes That Highlight the Magical Connection Between Rain and Clouds:

56. “Rain is a lullaby heard through a thick, isolating blanket of clouds.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

57. “Raindrops are not the ones who bring the clouds.” – Sorin Cerin.

58. “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storms, but to add color to my sunset sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore

59. “I embraced a cloud, but when I soared it rained.” – Frank O’Hara

60. “Clouds send rain only to quench the parched earth. In such giving, there is little space for selfishness.” – Munshi Premchand

61. “All birds find shelter during a rain. But the eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference.” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

62. “Complaints are like the clouds that produce no rain no matter how thick they gather.” – Israelmore Ayivor

63. “If it is cloudy and raining, there are clouds and rain in my soul.” – Jerzy Kosinski

64. “Towards midnight the rain ceased and the clouds drifted away so that the sky was scattered once more with the incredible lamps of stars.” – William Golding

65. “God is a cloud from which rain fell.” – Dejan Stojanovic

Quotes About a Rainy Day That Will Tickle Your Curiosity:

66. “The person who deserves the most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn’t know how to read.” – Benjamin Franklin

67. “Keep something for a rainy day.” – Traditional Proverb

68. “Some people are making such a thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.” – William Feather

69. “Only a select few are able to see the true beauty that lies behind what just might seem like a rainy day or a grey sky.” – Jessica M. Laar

70. “A rainy day is an equalizer. You don’t know what’s going to happen. You just take what you can get.” – Charlie Harvey

71. “You can’t escape the thoughts on a rainy day: In the spirit of the gloom there is a talisman that keeps people from having fun and invites them to the world of thoughts!” – Mehmet Murat İldan

72. “One thing a mother must always save for a rainy day is patience.” – Anonymous

Positive Rainy Day Quotes to Make Your Day Brighter:

73. “A rainy day is a special gift to readers.” – Amy Miles

74. “A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods.” – Rachel Carson

75. “Like the sky opens after a rainy day we must open ourselves. Learn to love yourself for who you are and open so the world can see you shine.” – James Poland

76. “Colors shone with exceptional clarity in the rain. The ground was a deep black, the pine branches a brilliant green, the people wrapped in yellow looking like special spirits that were allowed to wander over the earth on rainy mornings only.” – Haruki Murakami

77. “On a sunny clear day, you can improve your body; on a rainy foggy day, you can improve your mind!” – Mehmet Murat İldan

78. “No person has the right to be sad on rainy days. Dance in the rain as though you are dancing with a lover.” – Anonymous